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The 2019 UIBE International Summer School starts
2019-07-04 08:36:00

The 2019 UIBE International Summer School started on July 1.


During the session, some 85 scholars and experts from over 30 countries and regions will offer students excellent lectures.

The summer school contains 81 classes covering topics like business, management, literature, science and law, as well as 10 high-level academic lectures. Classes on new topics such as global governance are added this year to cultivate a new type of talent in the relevant field.

Among all the teachers in the session, 90 percent work in international universities like the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and University of York. The rest are from international organizations like the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the WTO Secretariat.

The number of domestic and overseas college students participating in the session is growing steadily. It has become an important platform for UIBE to broaden its international vision and increase international communications ever since it started in 2012.

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