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CGTN: China remains an attractive destination for foreign direct investment
2022-03-10 09:00:00

Editor's note: The Two Sessions, a major event on the Chinese political calendar, is underway. We've invited experts from various fields to write articles about hot issues that help us better understand today's China. This is the seventh piece of our "China's Road to Development" series. John Gong is a professor at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing and research fellow at the Academy of China Open Economy Studies at UIBE. 

Ever since Donald Trump started his trade war against China, a decoupling strategy of some sort in various areas has been part of the mainstay strategy throughout his administration. Joe Biden's administration inherited, if not expanded and intensified, much of the Trump policies with respect to China. But what both administrations have got so far is the exact opposite of what their policies were designed to achieve.

About trade, other than imposing an extra burden on American households of a few hundred bucks a year via their tariffs, Washington's trade policy achieved nothing - trade deficit with China actually increased significantly. On foreign direct investment (FDI), the picture for the last two years is even more favorable to China. Read more>>

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